In the first private beta, we categorized the issues into High, Medium, and Low.

However, after collecting feedback from many users, we understood that this way of displaying the issues was misleading. Indeed, a “Low” category did not imply that the issue was minor; it was just a way to define the impact on the overall model compared to other measures. In reality, an issue classified with a “Low” priority was often responsible for very slow reports. While nothing was wrong with that, many early adopters thought the issue was unimportant, missing important chances to optimize their model and reports.
The new visualization simply has a single category: an issue is an issue!

However, prioritizing issues is important to focus on the more relevant ones first! For this reason, we also renamed the previous “Weight” metric into “Relevance”. The calculation is the same, but it should be clearer that the number should be only considered in relative terms compared to other measures and issues.

The Relevance of a measure is a term of comparison versus other measures. But because we want to focus on the relative importance of the measures with issues, we also adapt the visualization of the Relevance based on the highest value detected in measures with open issues. For example, you can isolate the measures with issues this way.

But once you fix the most expensive measure (or decide to ignore the issue because the code cannot be modified), the Relevance is displayed by using a new scale, highlighting the differences in the remaining measures.

You can always choose to hide or display the issues that have been fixed or ignored. The Relevance scale always uses open issues to adapt the scale for the Relevance score. In the following screenshot, all the measures are visible. Still, the Relevance scale is adapted to highlight the different values in measures with open issues without displaying the full number of other measures.

We hope that this new way of presenting the issues detected by DAX Optimizer will further improve your productivity!